We Offer Diet And Nutrition Programs For


Weight Loss Program

Excess weight is extra baggage to your body, which interferes with daily functioning of the body. It start metabolic ageing for the body and Puts extra pressure on the organs.
In the Weight loss program, we create a calorie deficit. The diet is prescribed after understanding the daily schedule and routine. Every diet is customized, as per the client needs. Handy tips are given. Importance is give to include as many Seasonal Foods as possible. We educate on healthy ….


A balanced nutrient rich diet is the most preferred way of managing PCOS. Dietary changes in daily routine get 100% positive results in normalizing the menstrual cycle and other symptoms. As we know, PCOS is a lifestyle disorder. Our PCOS Program can help you reverse the hormonal changes, acne, extra hair growth and Gut issues. 100% handholding is given in this program.

Cholesterol & Heart Disease

When there is too much cholesterol in your blood, it builds up in the walls of your arteries, causing a process called atherosclerosis, a form of heart disease.
Lifestyle factors and genetics both play a role in causing high cholesterol. Lifestyle and dietary changes can work at their best. This program is designed to help our clients eat more complex carbs, fiber and omega fatty acid rich diet. We educate our clients on how to avoid intake of saturated fats and processed food.

Diabetes Reversal & Management

Reverse diabetes naturally. Managing blood sugar is the key to living well with diabetes. Eating right is the key to life without any diabetes related complications. Our program is designed to create healthy eating habits, with portion control and tips to make it easier to eat well. Educate the patient on choosing food that have low glycemic index.

Blood Pressure Control

Blood pressure is a condition in which the force of the blood against the artery wall is too high. If untreated, it can cause health conditions such as heart disease and stroke.
No matter your age, you can take steps each day to keep your blood pressure in a healthy range. Opting for a healthy, high potassium, nutrient dense diet, reducing salt intake, regular exercising regime with or without medication help individual live complication free.

Kidney Disorders

A kidney disorder can range from a mild condition with no or few symptoms to a very serious condition where kidneys stop working, sometimes called kidney failure. A nourishing diet with lifestyle changes will help one to remain as healthy as possible. A customised nutrition program to take care of fluid retention, correcting potassium levels, anaemia, weak bones helps to manage one’s health and further not increasing complications.

Pregnant & Lactating Woman

What you choose to eat when you’re pregnant may influence you and your baby’s health now and for years to come. Pregnancy is a good time to review your food habits and lifestyle pattern. Program aims for adequate gradual weight gain achieved through balanced diet and right nutrition. Easy to follow diet tips help to deal with nausea, voimiting, list of appetite and constipation. A complete diet is planned as per each trimester keeping body’s need in mind

Paediatric Nutrition

Good quality of food in infancy and childhood do not only promote optimal growth and development during that time, but also play a role in helping lifestyle disorders in life later.
This program is designed to help parents provide essential nutrients and the adequate caloric intake to promote growth and at the various stages of a child development.

Gout, Thyroid & Other Ailments

The most effective way to treat. Thyroid disorders is through slow and mindful eating. As per the symptoms, customising diets for a calorie deficit and nutrient rich diet can improve the body’s metabolic function. The goal is to help people with thyroid disorders manage weight goals, strengthen bones , improve digestive functions and improve stamina

Sports Nutrition

Sports nutrition program focuses on providing meal plans which are designed to help athletes perform their best. A proper planned diet chart with right food types, energy, nutrients and fluids to keep the body well hydrated and functioning at the peak levels. Every sports persons need are different and is planned according to individual goals.

Post Operation Care

Food is vital part for patient’s recovery. After a surgery or a procedure there is constant concern on what Kind of meals to be given to the patient for quick healing. A balanced nutrient dense diet as per clinical condition is planned and customised. The aim is to allow person to eat a variety of foods and at the same time come back to routine activities as soon as possible.


Don’t we hear people around us talking about hair fall, hair thinning or hair loss ?
Consuming a diet lacking the right macro and micro nutrients can lead to hair loss .
This specially designed program is to bridge much needed gaps in the diet. INCORPORATING FOODS RICH in micronutrients for strong and shiny hair is the major goal.
We here in this program help clients to set healthy hair habits with daily easy to follow dietary tips.


Acidity is a common condition caused by the stomach acid flowing back into the food pipe. Symptoms include nausea, heartburn, bad breath, indigestion, constipation, sensation of burning in the stomach and throat and severe pain in the chest or abdomen. Making dietary and lifestyle changes can go a long way towards treating most of such cases. A customised nutrition program helps to identify possible food triggers and provide solution in most natural food item.

Gut Issues

What we eat can contribute to positive or negative effect on our digestive track. Eating certain types of food can lead to symptoms like bloating, had, constipation, heartburn, etc. A complete dietary assessment can help to know the cause and trigger factors. This program is specially curates with focus to provide instant relief to most of the indigestion symptoms. A combination of diet, exercise, plenty of water and good quality of sleep can fetch fast and sustainable results.
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    312, Marathon Monte Plaza, E Wing Off, Madan Mohan Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai 80.

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